Saturday 25 September 2010

Bar o' fun

Hehehe speaking about bars... Yesterday we were at the Meridian in a bar called Captains arms (I think...). We were sitting next to 2-3 tables with team A the French, Team B the British and Team C the South-Africans. Oh the joy of eavesdropping hehehe! They were as drunk as only sailors can get after 6 months at sea with out a drop of rum in sight. I personally was just waiting for the Brits and the French to get into a fistfight.... but... it got even better: they started to sing, or belch - whatever you might call that sound that they were uttering... They started on their national anthem ALL OF THEM. HAHAHA so bad yet so much fun; both the French, the Brits and the South-Africans were screaming their lungs out hehehe! Toby my Swiss friend started on the swiss anthem as well and I was close on screaming out mine too- just for the hell of it... When (maybe to a lot of other guests relief) the guys were told to shut it... Too bad tho' because if all els failed they would make a fine foghorn-symphony...


So after staying here for a while I know consider myself an expert i barology; the science of bar-life, a subcategory of partyology. First being a woman down here is GREAT (in this prespective...). You can always find a ladies night any day of the week. So here goes:

Sunday (week starts on Sunday here): Quiz Hemingway's, the Hilton corniche - this has now become a tradition for me and some now close friends. We range in age from 56 to 24 and it's a blast!

Monday: Champagne night! Get tipsy, drunk or hammered for free at Cristal in the Millennium Hotel. -The bar says that it is classy and you have to dress up, but after x-number of glasses of champagne and the entry of the Italian guy with the keyboard, accompanied by the drunk German girls it goes to trashy. This is definitely a favorite of mine!

Tuesday: Hemingway's, the Hilton corniche. Same place as the quiz... all tho' we're not sure about this one... It's not all that lively on Tuesdays and the chairs aren't that comfy. The drinks are strong enough thought so that's a plus.

Wednesday: Oceans the Royal Meridian (not the Meridian, THE Royal Meridian). This bar is great especially now that you can sit outside. It has a great ambiance(as the French say) and the outdoors terrace is really nice. Plus they got great shisha!

Thursday to Saturday: This is kinda become our "let's wing it!" week-end, although clubbing is also an alternative; free stuff in Sax, The Royal Meridian, on Thursday and Etoiles, Emirates Palace on Friday.

Otherwise The Meridian has lots of nice bars both out- and indoors, also good for eating.